URL Referral Hider
Enter a URL and select a referral source:
About URL Referral Hider:
URL Referral Hider is a simple tool that allows you to hide referral sources in your URLs. Referral sources, such as search engines or social media platforms, can provide information about where your website traffic is coming from. With this tool, you can mask the referral source and make your URLs cleaner and more professional.
How to use:
- Enter the URL you want to hide the referral source for in the "Enter URL" field.
- Select a referral source from the drop-down menu. If you don't want to include a referral source, select "None".
- Click the "Hide Referral" button to generate the hidden URL.
- The hidden URL will be displayed along with a "Copy" button.
- Click the "Copy" button to copy the hidden URL to your clipboard.