
How To Maximize Your Email Marketing Campaigns With Shopify

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to grow your business and there are a number of reasons why it's important for you to do it. 

It's free: If you've got an email list, you can reach people for free. It allows you to build relationships with your customers, gives them a reason to come back and visit your store again and again, and lets you communicate directly with them in a way that you can't do with social media.

It's easy: Setting up an email marketing campaign is very simple, and it doesn't require any technical knowledge or web design skills. 

It's direct: You don't have to worry about whether your Facebook post will be seen by the right people. With email marketing, you can send a message directly to the people who want to hear from you, and no one else. 

It gives you more control over your audience and lets you speak directly to your customers.

It's easier: Email marketing has a lower barrier to entry than social media. It's cheaper, and it requires less time to set up and maintain. You don't have to create an account or spend time building your brand on a new platform - you can just get started right away.

It works: Studies show that email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach customers and generate sales. With the average click-through rate hovering around 28%.

email marketing shopify
How To Maximize Your Email Marketing Campaigns With Shopify

Why is email marketing so important?

Email marketing is a must for all businesses. It’s the most cost-effective form of marketing, and it’s a great way to keep your customers informed about your offering.

But just having an email list isn’t enough. You need to put in the time to build relationships with your subscribers so that they become customers. While more than 60% of marketers say they run an email campaign every month, only 16% of their emails are actually opened by recipients. This means that you need to give subscribers a reason to open your emails if you want them to be effective.

What makes Shopify so great for email marketing?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows users to set up their online stores and start selling products. There are many things that make Shopify the best e-commerce platform for email marketing.

Shopify has some of the best email marketing tools. Here are a few reasons why I think so.

Shopify offers a very easy-to-use interface which is especially good news for e-commerce marketers who are not tech-savvy. 

For example, if you want to create a new email campaign, all you need to do is click the “Email Marketing” tab in the left-hand navigation menu and then click “Create Campaign

There are multiple email marketing solutions that Shopify has partnered with, Check it here

These some of the best email providers make it easier for Shopify users to manage their newsletters.

Shopify's email marketing software lets you view analytics on subscribers, opens, clicks and sales. You can also set up automated messages that get sent to specific groups of customers based on their actions on your store. 

The automation feature is pretty cool because you can determine what happens when someone views your product page or purchase a specific item. For example, you can send an email thanking them for purchasing your product or set up a welcome series that educates them on how to use the product they just purchased.

If you're looking for more advanced email marketing software, consider ActiveCampaign. This is one of the most powerful and affordable marketing automation tools out there. It's used by Shopify Plus merchants and some of the biggest brands in the world like Adidas, Coca-Cola, and Amazon.

How do I set up my Shopify store to get the most out of my email marketing?

There are a few things you can do to make sure your Shopify store is set up for success with email marketing.

Create a new dedicated email address

The first thing you want to do is create a new, dedicated email address for your Shopify store. I’d recommend using an app like Google Apps or Zoho Mail that offers an @yourstorename.com domain. This way, you’ll be able to keep your emails separate from any other email accounts you may have.

You’ll also want to make sure that your Shopify store emails don’t end up in your Gmail or Outlook inbox, as it will be difficult to track the success of your email marketing campaigns. If you want to see how successful they are, make sure you check your dedicated email address instead. 

Email Template

Next, you’ll want to create a professional-looking email template. The best way to do this is to use a service like Canva or MailChimp, both of which offer free templates that you can use for your Shopify store emails. I recommend starting with the free version of either service and then upgrading if you find yourself needing more features down the road.

Email Signatures

In addition to sending regular marketing emails, you’ll want to set up an email signature for your Shopify store. This will make it easy for customers to find your contact information and provide a way for them to easily reach out.

While you can set up a signature in Shopify, there are some other options as well. For example, if you’re using an email marketing service like MailChimp, you can automatically add your signature to all emails that are sent from your store. If you’re not using an email marketing service, you can still create a customized signature in Gmail.

How long should I go between sending emails?

It depends on a couple of things:

How often do you intend to send them? If you’re sending one email a day, then you can go longer. If you’re sending multiple emails a day, then it should be shorter. 

What is the content of your email? If it’s just a simple thank you, then go longer. If it’s a promotional message or newsletter, then shorter is better.

There are some things you should take care about:

- What is your list like? The more engaged your subscribers are, the longer they’ll wait between emails. The less engaged they are, the shorter they’ll wait.

- How long is each email? If your email is two paragraphs, then there’s not much to read and some people might not make it to the end. If your email is five paragraphs, then there’s more to read and they’ll have a better chance of finishing it.

The reason I say “at least once a week” is because if you send out an email that isn’t engaging, your subscribers will unsubscribe and you’ll never know why.

How often do they open your emails? I know this seems counter-intuitive but if they don’t open your emails, then sending more frequently won’t help them remember you and get to know you better.

What other ways are you connecting with them? What is their preferred method of communication? You might want to check in with them on that every so often. For example, I know that some people prefer Facebook messages and some prefer emails.

Do I need an autoresponder service or will Shopify handle that for me?

One of the biggest questions I get asked is whether you need to use an autoresponder service when you are using Shopify to sell products. 

The short answer is no, Shopify will handle all of your email marketing needs.

What should be in every email campaign - what are the key components to a successful

Every email marketing campaign is designed to get the audience to take a specific action. The goal might be to increase sales, generate leads, or drive traffic to a website.

1) Start with a Personal Note

There is one thing that always stands out in the emails that I open: the personal touch. If I don’t know the sender of an email, I’m much less likely to open it.

2) Use the Subject Line to Get Attention

The subject line is critical. It should be short and catchy. The subject line is your best chance to get someone to open your email. You can have a great offer, but if the subject line doesn’t make them want to open it, they won’t click on it.

3) Be Clear about What You Want

The goal of every email campaign should be clear from the beginning. 

The more specific you are, the better your results will be. You should have a clear idea of what you want from the recipient when they open your email.

4) Include a Clear Call to Action

If you’re going to ask for something, make sure it’s obvious. Don’t bury your call to action in the middle of the email or use fancy language that will make people think twice about clicking on it. 

If you don’t tell them what you want them to do, they won’t do it.

5) Use the Right Images

Images are powerful. They can draw attention to your email and give people a reason to open it. 

It’s not just about using a lot of images either – make sure they match the theme of your email and aren’t too distracting. 

A well-placed image can really add value to your email campaign.

6) Write Persuasive Copy

If you want people to click through to your website, you need to write copy that’s compelling. 

Tell people why they should care about what you have to say and how it will benefit them. 

Write like you would speak – be clear and concise.

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